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byobu 로 tmux 를 좀더 이쁘고 쉽게 쓰기

# byobu
# (뵤부?, 일본어로 '병풍'이라는 뜻이다.)
# (만든 사람은 구글아저씨 https://github.com/dustinkirkland/byobu)
# 는 tmux 또는 screen 을 좀더 쉽고 이쁘게 해주는 프로그램이다.
# 맥에서 설치(yum, apt 등에서도 설치 가능)
brew install byobu

# 기본 키바인딩
F2 - Create a new window
F3 - Move to previous window (alt + left)
F4 - Move to next window (alt + right)
F5 - Reload profile
F6 - Detach from this session
F7 - Enter copy/scrollback mode
F8 - Re-title a window
F9 - Configuration Menu
F12 -  Lock this terminal
shift-F2 - Split the screen horizontally
ctrl-F2 - Split the screen vertically
shift-F3 - Shift the focus to the previous split region
shift-F4 - Shift the focus to the next split region
shift-F5 - Join all splits
ctrl-F6 - Remove this split
ctrl-F5 - Reconnect GPG and SSH sockets
shift-F6 - Detach, but do not logout
alt-pgup - Enter scrollback mode
alt-pgdn - Enter scrollback mode
Ctrl-a $ - show detailed status
Ctrl-a R - Reload profile
Ctrl-a ! - Toggle key bindings on and off
Ctrl-a k - Kill the current window
Ctrl-a ~ - Save the current window's scrollback buffer

# 자세한 사용방법은 man page 를 참고하자.
man byobu